Saturday, December 6, 2008

i love sonic

Tonight was fantastic.
I saw Get Smart at school. It was pretty good. There were a couple times where lines were forgotten, but, hey, it's a high school production. Mistakes are expected. The humor in it was great! I laughed a lot. "Mr. Big? That's huge!" Killed me everytime. Will Sanders did a believable maxwell smart. Eliza Mclatcher was my favorite character, though, until the end. I knew it was coming but was still devasted when she was revealed a traitor. That accent she did... I wish I could do it.
Then we, meaning Phi, An, Bree, and myself, went to Sonic, and had fun with our car hop. That may be the most I've ever laughed at Sonic. I nearly peed. That was probably more than you needed to know, but it's there. Deal with it. "I want four minus one junior burgers." "oh, they actually gave us four. do you know math?"
thank you phi.
Then we hung out a little at phi and an's house. we all have dance moves now that can be seen at the snap of a finger. try it.
That's all for tonight. I'm reading the Fountainhead in bed until I fall asleep.

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